For cosmopolitanism and democracy

For cosmopolitanism and democracy

Mittweida University takes a stand

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Sharan, a student from India, Rector Volker Tolkmitt and Vice-Rector Christoph Meyer read out the call for cosmopolitanism and democracy at the start of the International Night at Mittweida University.

This week, Mittweida University is bringing together numerous students and academics from almost every continent in the world for its International Week. The focus is on “Internationalisation for Sustainability”, but just as important are encounters and new friendships across borders.

The International Night today, May 14, was the ideal setting for the university's rectorate to publish its commitment to openness to the world and democracy. It is also an call against violence and for participation in the democratic elections that are due this year in Europe and Saxony.

For Cosmopolitanism and Democracy - against Violence

Mittweida University takes a stand in the election year 2024

The Rectorate of Mittweida University declares as follows:

Contemporary challenges are manifold: demographic shifts, climate change, ‘Zeitenwende’. Mittweida University of Applied Sciences is a place of teaching, research, discourse, and encounters. As such it contributes to strengthening the region and overcoming the challenges. It is attracting and qualifying young people who live and work here.

The University conducts internal debates and seeks dialogue with the public, leads internal and public debates with a cosmopolitan horizon. International students, teachers and researchers play a vital role in the University community. They are welcome to stay, also to help shape the future of our country.

Mittweida University needs a supportive environment to succeed in this, and to keep open the road to a positive development of science, economy, and culture. This includes politics and society, a social climate of diversity and equal rights as well as a culture of openness for people and their ideas.

Act democratically, non-violently, and open-mindedly!

Social peace, the common good, and pluralism in our region, our country and in Europe cannot be taken for granted. They are the result of a constant, long-term effort by many people and institutions that support democracy through objective debate and argumentation. One of these institutions is Mittweida University with its members in teaching, research, management, and studies.

The European, state, and local elections will determine the future of the State and the University. Now it is necessary to strengthen the democratic foundation of parliaments in Saxony, Germany, and Europe, to strengthen them against extremist and discriminatory forces. Anyone who foments hatred and violence does neither belong in parliament nor in government.

Mittweida University of Applied Sciences is committed to our free democratic basic order with its equal and inalienable human rights. The university advocates cosmopolitanism, in favour of a welcoming culture of solidarity and against any kind of discrimination. The university encourages its members to act democratically and non-violently – and to vote.