Internationalization: Transatlantic relations

Internationalization: Transatlantic relations

Mittweida University of Applied Sciences is expanding its cooperation with universities in the USA. More student and lecturer exchanges planned.

Reunion and getting to know each other in Mittweida: Inter-year meeting of field school participants: 2023, 2024 - and students who will be travelling to Rochester Institute of Technology in 2025.

Mittweida University of Applied Sciences (HSMW) continues to shape its internationalisation process. One focus is on the other side of the pond and on cooperation with universities in the United States of America. A long way to go, but we already know each other very well.

Rector Professor Volker Tolkmitt and his travelling companions from Mittweida met a long-standing academic colleague and friend, Professor Martin Anselm, at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in New York State at the beginning of April. He opened the door to talks with the management of the renowned university and to more in-depth collaboration. The agreements signed in the USA will enable more students from both partners to study, complete internships or write their theses at the other location.

HSMW and RIT have a long history of collaboration, regularly bringing together students and faculty for the Field School on Automotive Electronics. When it takes place in Mittweida, as it did this year in May, the two-week program provides an insight into German engineering education and German automotive engineering - and, in the background, the answer to the question of what "Made in Germany" means. Among other things, a visit to the Porsche plant in Leipzig provided this insight. Professor Martin Anselm came with three colleagues and 15 students.

Immediately before the field school, they attended the International Week at HSMW and met compatriots from another HSMW partner university, Shepherd University in West Virginia. 12 students and their teachers were in Mittweida as part of their “Cultural Psychology Lecture Course” during the conference, which was entitled “Internationalization for Sustainability”. There are many parallels between Shepherd University and HSMW. Both universities are roughly the same size, have a similar profile and are located in similarly sized cities. The student exchange with Shepherd University, which has been in place since 2023, is now being followed by an exchange of teaching staff. Agreements on extended cooperation also enable joint research and events as well as relief in view of the high tuition fees in the USA.

See you again next year

There will be a good opportunity for a reunion in Mittweida next year: the International Week at the HSMW from 2 to 6 June 2025 will be entitled “Integrated Internationalization: Leveraging Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence”.

The next field school will take Mittweida students to Rochester for 16 days in mid-September 2025. Those interested can contact Professor Frank Weidermann for more information and to register. The available places will be allocated according to the order of registrations.

The HSMW International Office provides advice and support on all questions relating to international mobility for students and lecturers.