Service & Press
The university communication is responsible for the complete communication of the brand Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, in-house as well as externally. Here, the faculties, institutes and the management of the HSMW are also supported by university communication providing advice on the strategic and operational implementation of individual communication measures.

The contact person for all media requests is the press spokesperson of the HSMW. If you have any questions about academic life or current activities in research and teaching at the university, you can contact the press spokesperson at any time by e-mail or telephone. The press spokesperson can also arrange contact with experts from the academic ranks of the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida for journalistic reporting.
Are you a journalist and would like to be regularly informed about news from Mittweida University of Applied Sciences? Then feel free to send us an email with the subject "Inclusion in the press distribution list", your contact details and any specific topics you are interested in. We will keep your data for the purpose of sending you the e-mail.
Under HSMW-News you will find current announcements, reports from events and results from research projects.