Case of need

Important phone number

Emergency call110
Polizei station Mittweida(+49) 03727 9800
Medical standby service(+49) 03727 19292
Hospital Mittweida(+49) 03727 990
Gas fault reporting center(+49) 0371 4514444
Reporting center for power failures(+49) 03731 703000
Poison Control Center (+49) 0361 730730

The 5-W method for reporting claims

WHO is calling?Name and telephone number where you can be reached for inquiries.
WHERE is the place of action? Exact address (district, street, house number floor), special features of access.
WHAT happened?Please give a neutral account of why assistance is needed.
HOW MANYpeople, injured, missing?
WAITING for questionsPlease do not hang up until the CALLER says, that there are no more questions.