Everything you need to know about starting your studies at a single glance
All information about the start of your studies in compact form A new chapter in your academic career begins with starting your studies. To help you start your studies smoothly, we have compiled the most important information for you.
1 September 2025 – Semesterstart
This is the official start of the winter semester, but lectures do begin at 22 September.
2 to 19 September - Preparatory courses
The preparatory courses are designed to refresh students' knowledge of maths, physics, chemistry and English before beginning their studies. Registration is open until 22 August.
preparatory courses
22 to 26 September - Orientation week for freshmen
The first days on campus are a combination of information events and free-time activities to help you arrive and get to know the campus. You can find your courses in your personal timetable.
Programme of orientation week for freshmen
24 September - Enrolment ceremony
The enrolment ceremony welcomes freshmen into the university family.
Programme Enrolment Ceremony
Timetable and registration
Each course group has its own timetable. The schedules for the winter semester will be published on 16 August. You can find your personal timetable in the student portal or in our app HSMWmobil.
You are automatically registered in all compulsory modules according to the study schedule. For optional modules or groups (e.g. for internships), you can register online via the student portal. It is possible to register from the beginning of September until the end of the first week of lectures. Registration for the examination is separate and takes place at the end of the lecture period.
Certificate of enrolment
You can check and print out your certificates of enrolment online in our study portal Studium-Online. You can also find other certificates and forms there and change your personal data.
Login and e-mail address
For some functions you need a personal login. This information will be sent to you with your enrolment letter. You will also receive an e-mail address which you can use to get information about timetable changes or important enrolment dates. The communication at the HSMW is mainly done via email between students and the HSMW. In the same way, emails to professors, lecturers and other university staff should be sent via this mailbox. When you register for the first time, you first need to change the password and agree to the terms of use. Afterwards, the password has to be updated regularly.
Your university login allows you to access the free wifi "eduroam". This service is available on the campus in Mittweida and in all other universities in Germany. DFN offers a Tool for the configuration. Instructions on how to set it up can be found in the Wiki. If you need help with the configuration, please contact our Helpdesk.
Campus map
Our Campus map will help you to find your way around the campus. This map is also available in our app HSMWmobil.
Each room is labeled in accordance with a standard scheme: In 1-210 C, 1 represents the building and C stands for the staircase. 210 is the room number, and the hundred indicates the room is on the 2nd floor. You can find an overview of the room allocation in the Room plan.
Contact persons in the Student Services
If you have any questions about the organisation of your studies, please contact our Student services. There is a contact person for each faculty who takes care of all matters from enrolment to exmatriculation.
Student projects
Our university is full of opportunities for creative and committed minds. By participating in these projects, you can practically try your knowledge gained during your studies, collect experience in teamwork or improvisational skills and enjoy lots of fun at the same time. There are many exciting projects to choose from and there are almost no limits on what you can do. Furthermore, projects like the Mittweida Media Forum, the university theatre and the beta of course are also an experience as a visitor.