Offers for companies



You´re looking for

Young skilled workers and have an internship, a thesis, a part-time job or an entry-level position for our students or graduates.

We offer

qualified young talents from the fields of technology, engineering, business, IT as well as social work and media. Looking for our Study offers, if you would like to know, in which areas you can find your specialists with us.

Advertise your internship and job offers in our HSMW CareerNET - the new job portal and career service platform for students.


Employer Branding

Do you want to make your company known to our students as an attractive employer? Do you want to support them with your specialist knowledge?

We have different cooperation options:

  • Career fairs
  • Workshops
  • Excursions
  • Company presentations

Please contact us at: !

Individual support

Would you like to personally support and get to know a particularly talented student?

With the Germany Scholarship, you can support high-performing students with social commitment.

to German Scholarship