BMBF project (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research) – Teaching Quality Pact
Realisation of new teaching and learning methods by strengthening and expanding the academic mid-level faculty (SEM)
Aim of the project is the improvement of study conditions and the quality of teaching by:
- establishment of new teaching and learning methods
- implementation of research associates in accordance with § 72 SächsHSFG
The research associates have a bridging function between teaching and research. By their commitment within the Project, a sustainable human resource development is pursued for its own new academic generation.
They receive a profound higher education didactic training. At the same time, their research activity guarantees high quality teaching combined with research.
The project will be continuously evaluated internally as well as externally in annual assessment periods. The results gained thereby will be incorporated into the further development of the project.
The funding of 2 million euros is provided by the BMBF (Federal Ministry of Education and Research) as part of the Federal States Programme (Gemeinsames Bund-Länder-Programm) for improved study conditions and more quality of teaching (Qualitätspakt Lehre).