Professional Qualification
Professional Qualification
A professional qualification is an independent pillar in the junior academic advancement model of the SEM Project. A professional qualification includes the entire spectrum of individual knowledge and skills, allowing junor academic staff to meet requirements of independent professional education, research as well as professional practice and training on a long-term basis. According to the SEM Project, professional qualification consists of several qualification sectors.
The aim of the junior academic advancement is to educate the AkAs up to the level when they will be able to implement independent innovative learning methods into their professional field. Hereby, digitalisation of education and implementation of new didactic principles play a very important role. Independent presentation of the general professional education as well as independent professional research will be the most important pillars in this area. The AkA is expected to represent his/her own subject by processing appropriate F&E tasks in accordance with the acknowledged rules of a „good academic practice“.
The professional practice competence as one of the most important qualification criteria for professors at Universities of Applied Scences is therefore attributed the same significance to. A focused capacity is anticipated, which would garantee a long-term creation of benefits out of acquired scientific knowledge, in other words, a transmission capacity in practice is expected, regarding market conditions for selected professional field.