The SEM Project


A project flyer with a complete project programme, giving you a condensed presentation of the most important information about project goals as well as measures, conceived and implemented into the project, is available here.

Lecturing and Learning Methods of the SEM Project (Best Practice Brochure)

The wide technical and contentual range of ideas, formats and teaching developments, which have been created during the first fundung period of the SEM Project (04/2012-12/2016) to improve the study conditions and the quality of teaching at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences, summarised in this brochure, is available for free downloading here.

The SEM Project at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences. Academic Career Paths at Universities of Applied Sciences

The SEM Project strategy programme of the junior academic qualification advancement is presented by Monika Häußler-Sczepan and Claudia Hösel in „The SEM Project at Mittweida University of Applied Sciences. Academic Career Opportunities at Universities of Applied Sciences“. The presentation, marking the successful assessment of the first funding period of the SEM Project, was published in: Franke, K.; Engbrocks, B.; Bade, C. (Edit.): The Teaching Qualiy Pact in Saxony. Results and perspectives from the first funding period“ (Ulm, p. 91-99). It is available for free downloading here.

New Academic Career Opportunities for Junior Academic Staff at Universities of Applied Sciences

The SEM Project has been supported by extern evaluator Prof. Michael Brucksch from the very beginning. He assumes that the SEM Project will make an important contribution, creating new academic career paths at Universities of Applied Sciences. The complete presentation of the concept is available for downloading here. 

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