Your helping hand

The Student Council is the elected board of the students of the university. Two students of each faculty are members.
In our weekly meetings we discuss current issues, decide which projects to support and talk about problems. Every student has to pay a small amount of money to the Student Council of which we support various student's projects.
For our work we talk with all departments of the university's management, from the vice-chancellor to the International Office. The university's president supports us, as well. We are also in contact with the six faculties and to other universities in Saxony.
Questions, help needed?
Do not hesitate to contact us. You will find our office in building No. 6 in the ground level on the right side next to the Studio B, room 6-029.
Your can also contact us via E-Mail:
Cosmopolitan Club
The Cosmopolitan Club (short "Cosmo Club") is an association of foreign and german students at the university. The club organises the tutor programm, so you will not be lost when you arrive.
More information: Cosmopolitan Club Mittweida